Digital Coupon Campaigns

When is a good time to launch a digital coupon campaign?

Digital Coupon Campaign

When you had your first sale in retail was the best time to start gathering opted-in customer contact and sales data using our retailer-independent digital coupons. The second best time is now.

Every sale that happens for you in a brick and mortar store is an opportunity to connect with your customers. If you are not using a digital coupon in your marketing campaigns so that you gather customer data, you are selling in the dark. How can you market to your customers if you don’t know who they are. If you are selling through a distributor, you might not even know where your products are being sold.

Why would you not want to get opted-in customer data so you can retarget them?

Cost certainly price is not an issue. Our plans are $49/month or $199/month. That is a small price to pay for learning who your customers are, where they are buying, what they are buying, and for what price.

We know you are super busy. That’s why we developed our platform to require almost no lift from your end. We will give you a custom link to a coupon landing page and you just add that to your marketing materials, be it social media, email, your web site, etc. Everything else is handled by us. In a few hours, you will start getting data into your Groflo dashboard. When you have time, check it and you will see all the data that your retailer is not sharing with you.

You will never have the chance to get the data on the sales that happened before you started using Groflo, but if you start today, moving forward, you will have all the data you need to make data-driven marketing decisions.